Novak Đoković

Moderatori/ce: Monolog,Unofficialpage

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 26 sep 2020, 19:13

Ajde mi nadji snimak ili sliku da se vidi crvenilo na vratu? Mislim ako je pogodila loptica sa 130/h kako su izračunali, pravo u grkljan. Mene pogodi ping pong loptica pa se pokaže crvenilo i otok. A ima dosta snimaka iz blizine.

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 17 okt 2020, 15:30

novak obznanio primarni cilj za kraj sezone. da osigura YE#1. preskace pariz gdje ne moze do poena a ne moze ni da ih izgubi tako da (zahvaljujuci glupom sistemu) je potpuno svejedno da li igra ili ne (osim sto gubi sansu za novu masters titulu i da licno mozda sprijeci nekoga da dodje do poena). u becu, kojeg je prijavio i igra umjesto pariza, moze do max 500p. 2 pobjede i 90p mu osigurava YE#1. sampras je 1998. zavrsio sa 245p prednosti nad riosom a igrao je 7 turnira u posljednjih 7 sedmica kako bi osigurao to. ... ?year=1998 marej je 2016 napravio nesto slicno i u finisu u posljednjem mecu godine preoteo noletu YE#1 spasivsi izmedju ostalog i ML protiv milosa u prethodnom mecu (njegovom pretposljednjem u godini). kasnije ce se ispostaviti da je mozda tako zrtvovao i dalju karijeru za taj no1. a moglo se eto desiti i da u posljednjem ili pretposljednjem mecu sve propadne. srecom po njega nije.

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: ATP Tour

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 19 nov 2020, 17:11

Đoković podijelio teniski svijet odlukom: Bitno da je Novak licemjer

Index Sport
Prije 8 sati

NOVAK ĐOKOVIĆ je nedavno osnovao organizaciju tenisača i tenisačica (PTPA), ali nije dobio podršku Rafaela Nadala i Rogera Federera. Đokoviću i društvu cilj je stati na stranu tenisača izvan prvih 100 na ATP ljestvici, koji zarađuju puno manje novca od svojih najboljih kolega. Cilj je pravednija distribucija novca, prvenstveno s Grand Slam turnira. Federer i Nadal su na strani ATP-a.

Međutim, Đokovića su tenisači nominirali za povratak u ATP Savjet igrača, kao i Kanađanina Vaseka Pospišila. Obojica su prihvatila povratak, što je uzburkalo teniski svijet.

"Vidim da mnogi pišu o mojoj kandidaturi da budem dio Savjeta, što nije točno. Mene su nominirali igrači i to tako funkcionira. Nisam postupao proaktivno, isto kao ni Vasek. Obojicu je nominirao širi spektar igrača. Za mene je ovo snažan znak i naravno da se osjećam odgovornim što mogu predstavljati igrače", objasnio je Đoković nakon poraza od Medvjedeva na završnom Mastersu.

Ne vidi nikakav sukob interesa ako bi bio u dva udruženja.

"To nisam vidio ni u kolovozu kad sam osnovao PTPA. Zato sam prihvatio nominaciju za ATP, baš kao i Vasek, samo zato što se to tako radi kad postoji odgovornost nominacije. To znači da imate povjerenje i kredibilitet dobrog broja igrača. Zato smo se stavili na raspolaganje, ali pravilo koje je izglasao ATP odbor ne dozvoljava igraču da bude dio savjeta igrača i bilo koje druge organizacije", rekao je Đoković pa nastavio:

"To je baš šteta, ali dobro, barem znamo gdje smo. Tim pravilom je ATP poslao snažnu poruku da ne želi PTPA. ATP ide suprotno od onog što igrači žele. Prave se političke igre o kojima se rijetko piše, bitnije je napisati da je Novak licemjer. Međutim, navikao sam, to me jača i motivira da radim sve više i ispravnije za ovaj sport."

https://www.index. hr/sport/clanak/djokovic-bitno-da-je-novak-licemjer/2231669.aspx (kopirati i izbrisati spejs izmedju tacke i hr)

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 21 nov 2020, 08:38

Djokovic: These are political games that take place behind the scenes but I am used to it..

"It is hard to expect that tennis and tennis politics do not get intertwined here, especially with me since I have been heavily involved with the Council and politics in the last ten years. Although the majority of my team and people close to me do not understand why I waste so much energy on something that probably diverts my focus and attention from things that matter more, I still believe my involvement serves a greater good, serves the players.

If fellow players want me to represent them, I feel responsibility and obligation to do so as someone who has been a top player for many years. All these years I have tried to be available and to act proactively giving my ideas and suggestions with the sole purpose of making tennis system a better place, particularly for lower-ranked players. But you know, rarely anyone thinks about them - when people talk about tennis politics, they talk about the top 50-100 players. We have to pay attention to all the other players that are suffering big time, they constantly criticize the tennis system as they have a lot of problems.

It happens very often that my words are being twisted, just like in the last two days. Some people were saying that is hypocritical of me to maybe be back at the Council along with being one of the founders of PTPA. It was not my intention to be back on the Council. Back in August the players demanded from both Pospisil and me to resign. I was saying back then and I am saying it now - I do not see a conflict there. I have tried to explain that to people, but there are certain groups that do not want to understand because they have other interests. Vasek (Pospisil) and I were nominated by a large group of players, we found out about it three or four days ago, they have asked us to accept that nomination to be on the Council again. We accepted it with pleasure, it is an honour for us, and it says something that we were being nominated again after we were practically kicked out before. It means that we have done a good job and that many players trust us.

Up until last night I wanted to collaborate with ATP as one of the PTPA co-founders, but by promoting the new rule by which you cannot be a member of the Council and any other organization within the tennis system simultaneously. They have sent a clear message what they think about all of it. So again, @ATPTOUR went against desires of the large group of players that nominated @VasekPospisil and me. It is not us who have applied, like it has been reported in the media. These are political games that take place behind the scenes and you barely see anything written about it, but it is important to write that Novak is a hypocrite. But OK, it is not the first time, I am used to it, it only strengthens my shield and it gives me even bigger motivation to do what is right for the sport and for the players."

znaci njegov tim i ljudi koji su mu najblizi su saglasni da noletu borba za prava nizerangiranih i drugih igraca odvlaci previse paznje ali on iako je svjestan toga i dalje zeli da pomogne. osniva drugu organizaciju, koju mediji docekuju na noz. 80 od top 100 igraca i igracica podrzavaju i potpisuju za novu organizaciju. igraci ga ponovo biraju za predstavnika i zele da ih on predstavlja ali ATP, da bi to sprijecio, donosi odluku i mijenja pravila da se ne moze raditi u 2 organizacije. nole misli da tu ne bi bilo problema da neko ko radi u interesu igraca i tenisa bude lenk izmedju obje organizacije koje bi, po nacelu, trebale da se bore za iste stvari. mediji ga opet docekuju na noz i nazivaju hipokritom i iznose lazi kako je on podvio rep i molio licno da ga vrate u ATP i sahranjujuu novu organizaciju. ali on kaze da je na takve spletke navikao.

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 23 nov 2020, 17:21 ... b45d9.html

Will overtake Federer for weeks at the top
Joan Solsona | Adapted by Euan McTear

22/11/2020 14:54 CET

Djokovic will break world number one record on March 8

Novak Djokovic knows that his end to the 2020 season has been disappointing, falling to Lorenzo Sonego in the quarter-finals of the Vienna Open and falling to Dominic Thiem in the semi-finals of the ATP Finals in London.In total, though, he has only suffered four defeats this year and has won 41 matches, which is the joint most along with Andrey Rublev. Rublev, though, has five titles to the Serbian's four. Djokovic hasn't been the same since his disqualification at the US Open when he hit a line judge with a ball, but he does finish the year as the world number one.Given the freezing of the rankings until March because of the coronavirus pandemic and given the advantages he has over Rafael Nadal (2,180 ranking points away) and Dominic Thiem (2,405 ranking points away), Djokovic has ensured that he'll beat Roger Federer's record for weeks at the top of the standings.Federer has spent 310 weeks as men's single's number one during his career and Djokovic is currently on 301. He'll break the Swiss' record on March 8, 2021. That's one of the records Djokovic is chasing, as well as the one for the total number of grand slams. He currently has 17, while Federer and Nadal have won 20.

Marca English

Gotovo je, Đoković ruši veliki Federerov rekord

Index Sport
Prije 7 sati

NOVAK ĐOKOVIĆ će biti broj 1 na ATP ljestvici sve do 8. ožujka iduće godine i tako srušiti rekord Rogera Federera.

Srbin će rušenjem Švicarca postati igrač koji je najdulje na prvom mjestu u povijesti tenisa.

Đoković je nastupom na završnom Mastersu u Londonu, gdje ga je u polufinalu pobijedio Dominic Thiem, zaradio 200 bodova, dok je Rafael Nadal porazom u polufinalu od Danila Medvedeva ostao bez ijednog boda.

Tako je Đoković osigurao završetak 2020. na prvom mjestu ispred Nadala, od kojeg će imati 2180 bodova više, dok će od Thiema imati 2905 bodova više.

Osim toga, srušit će Federerov rekord čak ako do početka ožujka iduće godine ne odigra nijedan meč. Zato što je ATP promijenio način bodovanja koji traje do 8. ožujka 2021.

Đoković će tog dana biti 311. tjedan zaredom na prvom mjestu ATP ljestvice i tako za jedan tjedan srušiti Federerov rekord.

Đoković će na kraju 2020. biti 301. tjedan na prvom mjestu, a deset tjedana tamo, koliko mu nedostaje do rekorda, osigurat će u siječnju i veljači iduće godine. To će mu uspjeti jer Đoković neće moći gubiti bodove osvojene na ATP Kupu, Australian Openu i u Dubaiju.

Nadal bi osvajanjem Australian Opena uzeo 1640 bodova, što je i dalje nedovoljno za Đokovićevu prednosti od 2180 bodova. Thiem mu se osvajanjem Melbournea može približiti za samo 800 bodova, jer je prošle godine tamo igrao u finalu.

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 25 nov 2020, 19:12

nadam se da spanska marka zna nesto sto mi ne znamo. jer ako sve bude ok i sezone ne bude zamrznuta ili sta ti znam (jer tako je sprijeceno noletovo preuzimanje vrha prvi put) onda je nole siguran br1 "samo" do zavrsetka AO i turnira koji prethode americkoj sezoni. ukoliko rafa osvoji ATP kup, AO i onda (e ovdje dolazi to sto se nadam da oni znaju a mi ne, mada sumnjam da je tako) uzme neki drugi turnir umjesto akapulka i tu odigra bolje nego nole na turniru kojeg on uzme (ako uzme) umjesto dubaia, rafa moze da sprijeci noleta da stigne do 310 8, marta sljedece godine. rafa je izjavio da nece uzimati nikakve extra turnire zarad rejtinga jer mu je najvaznije da cuva zdravlje i da je to preduslov i za titule i za rejting koje bi osvojeni poeni sa sobom donijeli. e sada, zamjena akapulka za nesto drugo nije extra turnir, ali sam siguran da rafa nece odigrati 2 turnira izmedju AO i americkih mastersa.

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 26 nov 2020, 22:38

noletova decenija i ERA:


Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 28 nov 2020, 00:09

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 28 nov 2020, 10:45

jedva cekam 8. mart i opsezni text sa velikom slikom posveceni najduzem vremenu u istoriji kao top2, na ATP sajtu!!!


Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 28 nov 2020, 12:51

2011-2020: best winning % vs World #1
Djokovic 78.57
Nadal 40.00
del Potro 38.89
Thiem 38.46
Bautista Agut 30.00
Wawrinka 27.78
Federer 27.27
Murray 25.00
Ferrer 25.00
Isner 18.18
Tsonga 18.18

Min 10 matches

2011-2020 best winning % vs Top10
Djokovic 78.22
Nadal 64.15
Federer 59.86
Murray 53.57
Thiem 43.84
Wawrinka 43.27
del Potro 41.86
Zverev 41.67
Kyrgios 39.62
Nishikori 38.00

Min 50 matches

2011-2020 winning % (atp)
Djokovic 87.64
Nadal 83.86
Federer 83.56
Murray 79.42
del Potro 74.69
Nishikori 70.06
Ferrer 69.78
Raonic 69.16
Berdych 68.60
Wawrinka 67.37

2011-2020: best winning % on hard
Djokovic 88.38
Federer 84.58
Nadal 79.57
Murray 78.61
del Potro 75.26
Medvedev 70.72
Nishikori 70.20
Raonic 70.17
Berdych 69.68
Monfils 69.05

Min 100 matches

2011-2020 best winning % indoor
Federer 83.50
Djokovic 82.50
del Potro 79.27
Murray 76.56
Nadal 75.47
Nishikori 72.04
Tsonga 71.01
Medvedev 70.00
Berdych 68.27
Monfils 67.59

Min 50 matches

2011-2020: best winning % on grass
Djokovic 90.14
Federer 87.50
Murray 87.01
Cilic 75.00
Isner 72.31
Raonic 70.00
Lopez 69.33
Tsonga 68.97
Nishikori 68.52
Mahut 65.63

Min 50 matches

2011-2020: best winning % on clay
Nadal 90.98
Djokovic 84.62
Murray 75.96
Thiem 74.87
Ferrer 73.91
Zverev 70.00
Nishikori 69.85
Wawrinka 69.23
Almagro 67.63
Berdych 66.10

Min 100 matches

2011-2020: best winning % after losing the 1st set
Djokovic 51.08
Murray 46.05
Federer 44.72
Nadal 43.88
Nishikori 38.99
Wawrinka 35.18
del Potro 34.13
Ferrer 33.16
Zverev 32.81
Tsonga 32.28

Min 100 matches

2011-2020: best tiebreaks winning %
Djokovic 65.38
Murray 64.62
Federer 64.29
Raonic 61.88
del Potro 60.71
Nadal 60.48
Isner 60.24
Wawrinka 59.52
Kyrgios 58.95
Gasquet 58.82

Min 100 tiebreaks

2011-2020 best win % in Slam (men)
Djokovic 90.56
Nadal 88.04
Federer 84.15
Murray 83.13
Wawrinka 76.39
del Potro 75.00
Berdych 73.77
Cilic 73.44
Raonic 73.33
Ferrer 73.28

2011-2020 Masters 1000 wining %
Djokovic 86.67
Nadal 82.52
Federer 79.70
Murray 72.62
del Potro 66.67
Zverev 66.35
Raonic 65.57
Berdych 64.67
Nishikori 63.75
Ferrer 63.33

Min 50 matches

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 29 nov 2020, 00:49

No1e-tova ERA, No1etova decenija!
YE # 1: 6, 60% (nearest competitor: rafa 3, 30%)
weeks as no1: 301, 60% (nearest competitor: rafa 127, 26%)
ITF champ: 6 * (maybe 7), 60-70% (nearest competitor: rafa 2, 20%)
GS: 16, 41% or 42% of those he participated in (nearest competitor: rafa 11, 28% or 32% of those he participated in)
WTF: 4, 40% (nearest competitor: 6 players 1 each)
masters: 31, 37%, or 43% of those he participated in (nearest competitor: rafa 17, 20% or 27% of those he participated in)

4 slams in a row
double golden masters
points record: 16,950
ATP best season - 2015
h2h vs fed: 21+WO - 10, 69%
h2h vs rafa: 22-11, 67%

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 29 nov 2020, 09:21


From closing in on the Grand Slam record to making Masters 1000 history, the Serb had another phenomenal year in 2020—and he’s primed for even more in 2021.

By John Berkok

November 28, 2020

After historic 2020, Nadal hoping to chase even more records in 2021

From closing in on the Grand Slam record to making Masters 1000 history—as well finishing the year at No. 1 for the sixth time, tying his childhood idol’s record—2020 was another history-making year for Novak Djokovic. And with 2021 right around the corner, the Serb is primed for even more.

Like he’s done so many times before, Djokovic came out of the blocks strong this year. He went 13-0 in Australia, including wins over everyone else in the Top 5—Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, Dominic Thiem and Daniil Medvedev. He led Serbia to the ATP Cup title and won a record eighth Australian Open, which took his career haul to 17 majors—just three behind Federer (and now Nadal) for the record.

A few weeks later he won Dubai for the fifth time, beating No. 6 Stefanos Tsitsipas in the final.

“I’m trying to embrace the moment,” he said after improving to 18-0 on the year with a 6-3, 6-4 win over the Greek. “I think this has been one of the best starts of all seasons I’ve had in my career.”


Once the tour resumed in August, it didn’t take long for Djokovic to get right back to winning—and even making history. He won the first ATP event back at Cincinnati (in New York), which made him the first player ever to win a double career Golden Masters, which is winning every Masters 1000 event multiple times. And no other player has even completed a first career Golden Masters yet.

Then, after stretching his start to the year to 26-0 with three more wins at the US Open—his second-best start to a year ever, after beginning 2011 at 41-0—Djokovic had a low point, getting defaulted in the fourth round in Flushing Meadows when he accidentally struck a lineswoman with a ball. But less than two weeks later, he won his 36th Masters 1000 crown in Rome, passing Nadal for most Masters 1000 titles ever.

Though he didn’t lift any more trophies after that fourth season triumph, Djokovic went deep at his last three tournaments of the year, reaching the final of Roland Garros, the quarterfinals in Vienna and the semifinals at the Nitto ATP Finals in London. He would finish as the year-end No. 1 on the ATP rankings for the sixth time, matching his hero, Pete Sampras, for the all-time record.

“It’s been a strange year for all of us with a six-month gap,” Djokovic said. “We restarted the season in August, and I continued where I left off before lockdown and had a terrific run.

“I’m very pleased with the way things went.”


For Djokovic, 2021 will present multiple opportunities to make even more history. Not only can he continue to catch up with Federer and Nadal in the Grand Slam race, but if he manages to hold onto the No. 1 ranking, he’s on track to pass Federer’s record for most career weeks at No. 1 in March.

Djokovic will start his 297th week at No. 1 on Monday—13 weeks shy of Federer’s record 310.

“I’m aware of the amount of weeks, and I don’t know exactly the date, but I know it’s going to be in probably the first or beginning of the second quarter of next year if I maintain my No. 1 ranking,” he said. “I’m getting closer. I feel like I’m in a very good position. I’ve also been playing really well and I’ve been healthy, which is great. The Grand Slams and No. 1 are the two biggest professional goals that I have at the moment. The historic No. 1 ranking goal is something that is on the horizon.

“I’m going to give my all and very best that I can possibly give to achieve that.”

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 30 nov 2020, 08:45

tzv BIG4, posljednje decenije:

nole daleko najbolji, mala razlika izmedju rodje i mareja. rodja vise slem i 3 mastersa, muza YE#1, ca 4 mjeseca duze na vrhu i 2 olimpijska zlata (nema na tabeli).

tako da je jedino pravo pitanje, ko je bio br3 u posljednjoj dekadi?

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 30 nov 2020, 14:06 ... K34n1aIY_k

Sports news

Titles, ranking, match wins - Whichever way you look at it, Novak Djokovic has been the best player of the decade

Novak Djokovic at the 2020 Australian OpenNovak Djokovic at the 2020 Australian Open

Modified 29 Nov 2020, 21:19 IST

During the 2011-2020 period, Novak Djokovic has been far ahead of Rafael Nadal & Roger Federer in several key metrics.
Djokovic has also had a significantly superior win-loss record against Federer and Nadal in the last decade.

Novak Djokovic has dominated the men's game over the last decade, the period from 2011 to 2020. Djokovic is well ahead of his rivals Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer in a number of key metrics, including ranking, titles, match wins against top players and win-loss record against the Big 3.

Novak Djokovic has been World No. 1 for 301 weeks during the decade, which is way ahead of Rafael Nadal who has spent 132 weeks at No. 1 during the same time. Roger Federer meanwhile has spent just 25 weeks at the pole position in the last decade.

Djokovic has also spent 419 weeks in the top 2 and 434 weeks in the top 3, outdoing his rivals by a large margin in both categories.

It should come as no surprise that Novak Djokovic has finished the season as World No. 1 on the most occasions (six, tying the all-time record by Pete Sampras). In comparison, Rafael Nadal has ended three seasons at the No. 1 position, while Roger Federer hasn't done it a single time.

The Serb has also been named ITF World Champion on six occasions, and could possibly win it for a seventh time when the awards are announced next month.

While Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal are tied for most Grand Slams in men's tennis history, Novak Djokovic is the overwhelming leader in this stat during the last decade. 16 of the his 17 Slams have come during this time, as compared to 11 for Rafael Nadal and four for Roger Federer.

Djokovic also leads when it comes to titles at the season-ending ATP Finals, Masters tournaments and ATP events overall during the period.

Novak Djokovic has a better record against the top players than Rafael Nadal & Roger Federer during the 2011-2020 decade

Novak Djokovic; Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer

Novak Djokovic also tops his rivals when it comes to wins against the top ranked players in the game. Djokovic has more then double (43) the number of Big 3 wins during this time as compared to his rivals (21 for Rafael Nadal and 18 for Roger Federer).

While the Serb leads both Federer (27-23) & Nadal (29-27) in the overall career head-to-head, his dominance over them is even more obvious if you consider only this decade.

Djokovic is 16-6 against the Big 3 at the Slams from 2011 to 2020, as compared to 8-9 for Nadal and 4-13 for Federer. The Serb is 43-21 against the Big 3 across all events during this time, as compared to 21-30 for Nadal and 18-31 for Federer.

Novak Djokovic also has an considerable lead over his rivals when it comes to wins against top 5, top 10 and top 20 players, as well as the total number of matches won in this decade.

Djokovic may not be the most popular player in the sport, but the stats don't lie. Whichever way you look at it, Djokovic has been the Player of the Decade.

Published 29 Nov 2020, 21:19 IST

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 01 dec 2020, 10:08

Francuski tenisač objasnio zašto Đoković ima najviše hejtera od velike trojke

Index Sport
Prije 21 sat

GILLES SIMON, 35-godišnji francuski tenisač, stao je na stranu Novaka Đokovića u sukobu srpskog tenisača s Rafaelom Nadalom i Rogerom Federerom oko udruge tenisača.

Sredinom ove godine Đoković je organizirao Udrugu profesionalnih teniskih igrača kao zasebno tijelo neovisno o ATP-u. Iz tog je razloga Đoković formalno istupio iz ATP-ova igračkog vijeća u kojemu su ostali Roger Federer i Rafael Nadal koji nisu podržali Đokovićev ideju jer smatraju da se tenisači ne trebaju razdvajati u vrijeme pandemije koronavirusa.

"I ja poput Novaka smatram da tenisači nisu dovoljno zastupljeni u ATP-u i zaštićeni. Trebamo bolju organizaciju i tu sam u potpunosti uz Novaka", rekao je Simon koji je 2009. godine bio šesti tenisač svijeta.

"Postoje oni koji ne vole ili ne prate Novaka Đokovića i koji ga mrze, ali sve to samo zato što je spreman zauzeti stav. I zato što je tome posvećen. Federer i Nadal su više diplomatični, sve komentiraju s distance. Njih ne zanimaju političke stvari i zato prolaze neokrznuti", objasnio je Francuz zašto srpski tenisač ima najviše hejtera među teniskim zaljubljenicima.

Između Federera, Nadala i Đokovića vodi se i bitka za najvećeg tenisača u povijesti.

"Meni je Rafa najdraži, ali mislim da je Novak najjači, a Federerov stil najimpresivniji", komentirao je 63. tenisač svijeta i osvajač 14 ATP titula.

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 06 dec 2020, 09:43 ... ember-2020

Djokovic Doubling Donations In His Foundation's Season Of Giving

Dec 05 2020

The campaign runs through 31 January

The Novak Djokovic Foundation has launched a Season of Giving campaign for the third consecutive year in the hopes of raising €100,000 to help open a preschool in both Vajska and Ljubis, two villages in Serbia. World No. 1 Novak Djokovic and his wife, Jelena Djokovic, will match all donations.

“Considering the current pandemic situation, this year we primarily focused on healthcare, and with our donations, tried to assist the healthcare institutions in Serbia,” Novak and Jelena said in a statement. “However, our primary goal is still to invest into children and their future.”

The Novak Djokovic Foundation focusses on early childhood development, with one of its methods being the opening and adaptation of preschools. More than 30,000 Serbian children have benefitted from the foundation's work. Last year’s Season of Giving campaign allowed the foundation to begin the reconstruction of new preschools in three different municipalities.

Learn More About Novak's Charity Work

This year, the foundation is inviting fans to join Team Vajska and/or Team Ljubis to support areas in need.

“Our country is full of real little gems, but unfortunately, in smaller places, they often cannot develop their full potential because they do not have access to early education,” Novak and Jelena said. “This year has further demonstrated how important it is for children to attend preschool, particularly in a situation when parents are forced to work from home, and are not able to adequately dedicate their time to children.

“However, it should not be forgotten that there are still those who are not able to go to preschool even in normal circumstances. So this year, the goal is to open new preschools in Vajska and Ljubis villages, which will accommodate a total of 105 children. Each of these places has its own story, and we want to tell it to the whole world, with the help of those who believe in our mission. That is why we have decided to double every donation you make this year again.”

The Novak Djokovic Foundation and its founding family has also done their part to support those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this year, the Djokovic family announced a €1 million donation through their foundation for the purchase of ventilators and medical equipment to support hospitals and other medical institutions in Serbia's battle against COVID-19.

To learn more about the foundation's Season of Giving and to donate, click here. More than €10,000 has been raised so far, and the campaign ends on 31 January.

Postovi: 7946
Pridružen/a: 08 okt 2020, 02:18

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la OldFashioned » 06 dec 2020, 14:51

Francuz pogodio u srž.
The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.

Postovi: 1930
Pridružen/a: 20 jul 2018, 09:54

Re: Novak Đoković

Post Postao/la lucky13 » 06 dec 2020, 23:22

AMERIKANAC BRANI NOVAKA: Frustrirajuće je videti da momak kao Đoković ima loš tretman

Novosti online

06. 12. 2020. u 19:05


AMERIČKI teniser Rejli Opelka stao je u odbranu Novaka Đokovića istučići da je naš as sjajna osoba.
Trenutno 39. igrač sveta smatra da je osnivanje nove asocijacije igrača, PTPA sjajan potez.

U intervjuu za magazin "Reket", Opelka je rekao da svi ti neosnovani napadi na Novaka Đokovića na njega deluju prilično frustrirajuće.

- Da, ja sam za PTPA. Mislim da je to sjajan potez. Frustrirajuće je videti da momak poput Novaka ima tako negativan tretman u medijima i to zbog stvari koje nisu istinite, zar ne? On je zaista neko ko je vrlo prijateljski nastrojen. I na US Openu je bio u toj poziciji da se bori za ulazak u istoriju, da bude jedan od najboljih igrača svih vremena. Nije mu potrebno da dođe do mene posle meča, da razgovaramo i da me pita kako mi je koleno? - navodi Opelka.

- Složićete se da to nije nešto svakidašnje. Nismo odrasli zajedno, mi smo čak i različite generacije. Mislim da Novak veoma vodi računa o mlađim generacijama, vodi računa i o teniserkama. Voli tenis, brine za ovaj sport.

Opelka je naveo kako su mu zbog određenih rezultata stizale pretnje smrću.

- Baš bih voleo da vidim ko su ti likovi. Misle da se tako rešavaju stvari. Svaki put kad izgubim, stižu mi te pretnje smrću. Tenis je takav sport, ima mnogo klađenja i to se dešava preko cele godine - zaključio je 211 centimetara visoki teniser.


zivimo, na zalost, u doba kada se sve gleda kroz profit. i biti jednostavno dobar nije vise vrlina. sto bi rekao balas: "i nema driblaj i nema dodaj, vec samo ima, dobro se prodaj". ako si dobar i jos razmisljas svojom glavom i ne pratis mejnstrim nego, kako mi kazemo, talasas, treba te sasjeci u korijenu. a zapadu ne ide u glavu da neko moze biti dobar bez nekih zadnjih namjera i interesa. pa je eto dobar, na silu, jer zeli da ga vole.


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