FC Internazionale Milano

Moderatori/ce: Monolog,ribery,hammers,geronimo,rio_Ferdy88,Puma

Postovi: 1192
Pridružen/a: 12 mar 2016, 15:24

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la zamorano1plus8 » 12 jun 2018, 11:53

nemojte tako :mrgreen: neki se i dan danas kunu u njeg i konjdogbiu :urnebes:
"We all have a past. We have ours and we're proud of it" Ausillio
"We have a lot of mental health problems in our country" Donald Trump

Postovi: 25707
Pridružen/a: 04 maj 2012, 15:23
Lokacija: Zagreb

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la SiamoNoi » 12 jun 2018, 11:57

Pa normalno,nije valjda da će im preporučit s obzirom kako ga se tretiralo :lol:

Šupački od njega ako se stvarno dogodilo,ali čemu čuđenje kad si je klub sam kriv što su se doveli do ovoga.Opet kazem,ista stvar kao sa Kondogbijom koji je isforsirao odlazak.Sve ima svoje posljedice.I to dolazi od igrača koji su karakterno zapravno prilično mirne osobe po svemu što se dalo pročitati.Za zapitat se gdje se radilo krivo,a ne zgražat što su igrači ogorčeni epizodom u Interu.
zamorano1plus8 je napisao/la:nemojte tako :mrgreen: neki se i dan danas kunu u njeg i konjdogbiu :urnebes:
Igrački.Pokazao je Kondogbia klasu i prava je nepravda što nije na SPu.Pokazat će i ovaj.

Opet promjena plana za Bastonija.Možda i bolje s obzirom da tamo nije igrao prošle sezone:
One youngster out and one youngster in. Inter is dealing with Atalanta, who closed a deal for Inter youngster Bettella. President Percassi has paid 7 million euros for the young defender. Inter will have a buyback clause and they have also found a deal to bring Bastoni to Inter soon than expected, as he was to stay another year at Atalanta. The Nerazzurri will soon decide whether to keep him or to send him out on loan with SPAL and Sassuolo interested.
Ja bi ga u SPAL poslao.
Roma may sell Nainggolan, the Belgian could be on his way away from the capital, and Inter could be his destination. There have been direct and indirect contacts made in an initial fashion, but not serious negotiations for Nainggolan's possible move to nerazzuro. Nonetheless, Roma are interested in hearing serious offers for him, and a move abroad could end up being a high possibility, given Roma's preference of selling him outside of Italy. Inter is an option for Nainggolan, and China remains a possibility too.
Prva opcija i dalje Radja,druga Dembele :thumbup:
Its no secret that Inter and Sassuolo have been in contact for market-related issues over the past few days.
Among the possible negotiations, the name of Ghanaian Alfred Duncan, a 1993 midfielder who is liked by the Nerazzurri club. Duncan started his career with Inter back in 2010, and there is no doubt that he would not be opposed to a return to Milan.
Nicolo Zaniolo is heading to an exit door at Inter. Probably the best player in Inter Primavera and as a result, the 1999-born talented player is wanted by many. A scenario that emerged yesterday is that he could be included in an exchange with Roma for Nainggolan, the top target of Inter and Spalletti this summer. Speaking to FC Inter News, the player’s agent, Stefano Castelnovo, comments on this rumor.

“He is someone that Roma like very much. However, I would like to point out that at the moment, there is no ongoing negotiation. What I can say is that if there were to be market negotiation between Roma and Inter, Zaniolo could be part of it as technical counterpart.

“There are other clubs who like and have asked for him but at the moment, it is still too early to go into details. We will see what happens in the next two weeks."
Negotiation between Inter and Bordeaux for Malcom is currently blocked. This announcement is from RMC Sport which reports that “Inter’s offer for Malcom has been rejected by Bordeaux. Not because of the amount offered, which is more than 40 million euros, but for the formula of the transfer. The discussion between both sides is now stopped.”

The French **** continues: “Malcom wants to join Inter and wants to leave Bordeaux. A new offensive move by Inter is expected in the coming days.”
Offers from England have arrived for Antonio Candreva. According to the Corriere dello Sport, Inter are willing to sell the Italian as long as there is someone out there that willing to put on the table 12 million euros.

“Agent of Candreva, Pastorello, has collected offers and interest for his client in England: Inter want to make capital gains on him. Otherwise, the club is ready to offer a new contract in order to lower the rate of amortization.”
Je da su ovi smradovi izvor,ali ovo je gotovo sigurno istina šta kažu.Prodat će ga se jedino ako će se moć ostvarit "capital gains" tim transferom.U suprotnom ide produženje ugovora za godinu i pokušaj prodaje iduće rokove.
According to Sport Italia, in the next 48 hours, there should be a meeting between Inter and Genoa to close the operation involving Radu, Emmers and Eddy Salcedo.
Future? I have some contacts and during the week I will meet some people and clubs. Inter have given me permission to do so and this is right like this. Venezia? Maybe.”

On the Inter Primavera players.

“To me, Zaniolo is worth 6-7 million euros, just like Colidio. Potentially, they can be worth even more. Valietti is a bit less perhaps because he plays in a particular role. Emmers is the best of all, can worth 10 million. Bettella is also amazing. Why do they not go to the first team? There is the need to make ends meet. If they are worth that much, it is because of the work has been done. Radu, in my opinion, is as good as Perin. Emmers potentially has indisputable qualities, even Spalletti appreciates him more than the others. He did have some physical problems but Spalletti always asked about him.”
Jericho je napisao/la:Onda očekujem da se krene u usrećivanje Luciana sa Rafinhom-Nainggolanom-Chiesom pa će napokon i potpisat novi ugovor... :kafa:
....i jos zadnji dan prelaznog roka ga iznenadit Cancelom.
Nemoguća misija Chiesa.Pogledat samo šta se piše da ovi traže.80m u kešu,50m barem i navodno zainteresirani za Skarabua,Dalberta i Valiettija...how yes no.

Zanimljivo kako prema talijanskim medijima od početnih 30m koje treba skupit do kraja 6.mjeseca sad odjednom treba skupit i 50 prema nekima :lol:

Postovi: 5449
Pridružen/a: 31 jul 2012, 10:28

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la arminz » 12 jun 2018, 12:05

SiamoNoi je napisao/la:Pa normalno,nije valjda da će im preporučit s obzirom kako ga se tretiralo :lol:

Šupački od njega ako se stvarno dogodilo,ali čemu čuđenje kad si je klub sam kriv što su se doveli do ovoga.Opet kazem,ista stvar kao sa Kondogbijom koji je isforsirao odlazak.Sve ima svoje posljedice.I to dolazi od igrača koji su karakterno zapravno prilično mirne osobe po svemu što se dalo pročitati.Za zapitat se gdje se radilo krivo,a ne zgražat što su igrači ogorčeni epizodom u Interu.
Jednostavno nisu bili dorasli zadatku. Mentalni patuljci koji su pucali po savovima. Apsolutno nista nisu pokazali da zasluzuju da igraju u Interu.

Kondogbia je makar ispo covjek pa priznao da je najvecim dijelom njegova krivica sto nije uspio. Ovaj samo nastavlja da sere po klubu.
We all have a past. We have ours and we're proud of it.

Postovi: 25707
Pridružen/a: 04 maj 2012, 15:23
Lokacija: Zagreb

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la SiamoNoi » 12 jun 2018, 12:10

I Inter im nije ni 10 posto pomogao da ih uklopi kako treba.Ne mogu svi igrači bit isti niti isto tretirani.I ne možeš dovodit samo igrače profila kao što su Icardi i Skriniar koji će od starta pokazat snagu karaktera.Zato evo Kondogbiu Valencija zna uklopit pa je razvalio prošle sezone u najboljoj ligi svijeta.A u Interu nek se tješe da su mentalni patuljci i nedovoljno dobri za igranje ovdje.Jer nije ovo slučaj Barbosa koji je stvarno uglavnom sam sebi kriv što nije uspio.

Mislim,ne odobravam njihove postupke ni malo,ali zašto da pretjerano krivim igrača kad je klub sam sebe doveo do ove situacije.

Postovi: 5449
Pridružen/a: 31 jul 2012, 10:28

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la arminz » 12 jun 2018, 12:17

Barbosi je kriv otac sto ga nije napravio dovoljno talentovanim igracem ili onaj ko ga je ubijedio da moze igrat neku znacajniju ulogu u Europi
We all have a past. We have ours and we're proud of it.

Postovi: 904
Pridružen/a: 18 jan 2013, 18:38
Lokacija: Vitez

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la Thorin » 12 jun 2018, 12:20

Mario sem što je truba igrač jos je i poglup.. Ne možeš drugima osporavati sredinu u kojoj nisi znao hodati kako treba svojom krivicom a kamoli opravdati 45m eurića..

Puno opet priča vezanih za Inter i pojačanja.. Sigurno je da se traži veznjak, desno krilo i polušpica.. što i jesu slabe tačke.. nadati se da se uzme i desni bek jer Asamoah i Danilo na bekovima.. neće da može proći..

Postovi: 12339
Pridružen/a: 12 apr 2011, 21:19
Lokacija: Croatia

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la Tritolone » 12 jun 2018, 12:20

Ne znam zasto oni imaju forsirat ista, imaju potpisan ugovor sa Interom i trebaju ga postivati, ovaj ima 10 dana izlazi sa vijestima da se ne planira vratiti u Inter i sad da odigra SP u rangu Messia ti ga nemos prodat na racun tih igara i napucat cijenu kad znas da on nije zadovoljan, i ne bi bas reka da je bio zapostavljen ili mozda drugacije tretiran od recimo Brozovica, a sad imamo jednog koji je neizostavan clan prvih 11 i igra dobar nogomet zadnjih pola godine i ispliva je sivila i drugog koji ni nakon promjenjene sredine ne briljira.

Po meni je ovo supcinski. Drugacije bi prica bila da on je zavrsio kao Dalbert ali nije, dobio je sansu i nije zadovoljio.
Io non rubo il campionato ed in Serie B non sono mai stato!

Urlando contro il cielo

Tu regina di milano
Io son pazzo di te

Go into a room too fast kid, the room eats you.

Postovi: 5449
Pridružen/a: 31 jul 2012, 10:28

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la arminz » 12 jun 2018, 12:22

Tritolone je napisao/la:Po meni je ovo supcinski. Drugacije bi prica bila da on je zavrsio kao Dalbert ali nije, dobio je sansu i nije zadovoljio.
To je to

Da se ja pitam, ostavio bi ga na klupi ovu godinu a onda od iduce kad se naprave i rezervni timovi poslo ga da igra tamo, posto vjerovatno necemo moc iscupat nikakve pare za njega
We all have a past. We have ours and we're proud of it.

Postovi: 25707
Pridružen/a: 04 maj 2012, 15:23
Lokacija: Zagreb

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la SiamoNoi » 12 jun 2018, 12:24

Retard koliko god je Retard ne puca pod pritiskom.Ne moze svaki igrač odigrat ova zadnja 3 mjeseca sezone na razini najboljeg veznog lige nakon što si bio jednom nogom izvan kluba i izviždan od cijele Meazze.To je ono o čemu i pričam...J.Mario je drugačiji tip osobe...on mora imat maksimalno povjerenje trenera da bi izvukao najbolje od njega.U Interu ga nije imao i dobili smo što smo dobili.

Postovi: 12339
Pridružen/a: 12 apr 2011, 21:19
Lokacija: Croatia

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la Tritolone » 12 jun 2018, 12:38

Ali nece nigdje dobit takav tretman, ili se barem mora izboriti da bi ga dobio. Puno puta je Inter radio protiv sebe ali sa Kondobiom i Mariom nije, 2 najskuplja pojacanja u pov. (ako se ne varam) i potpuno su podbacili, ako su mislili da nije to za njih onda su jednostavno mogli odbit ponudu i ostat u Fra/Portugal.

U svakom slucaju ja bih uvijek bira 11 retarda pa marak bili i prosjecni igraci ili u najbolju ruku tek dobri nego 2-3 mimoze koji mogu tu i tamo odigrat kao klase.
Io non rubo il campionato ed in Serie B non sono mai stato!

Urlando contro il cielo

Tu regina di milano
Io son pazzo di te

Go into a room too fast kid, the room eats you.

Postovi: 25707
Pridružen/a: 04 maj 2012, 15:23
Lokacija: Zagreb

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la SiamoNoi » 12 jun 2018, 12:40

Dobio je Kondogbia u Valenciji od Marcelina,dobit će i J.Mario ako izabere pravi klub.
After a career spent winning under the shirts of European and mondial top clubs, Carlos Tevez has talked to Il Corriere della Sera commenting Inter's last acquisition in the transfer window, Lautaro Martinez: "What a player, he's really impressive. He's hungry, wicked and has technical skills. He reminds me of me, a few years ago. He's the best of the young Argentineans and can become even stronger. Inter have done a great deal getting him".
Inače,zanimljivo kako nitko od talijanskih medija ne piše ni malo o Pjaci kao flopu kao što se pisalo o Barbosi.Nakon što nije uspio do minutaže ni u Schalkeu evo sad ga nude neuspješno i Valenciji za Cancela.

Postovi: 12339
Pridružen/a: 12 apr 2011, 21:19
Lokacija: Croatia

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la Tritolone » 12 jun 2018, 13:14

Ali zaboravljas da je Kondogbia reka da je on sam kriv, da se nije znao nositi sa pritiskom, sta ne opravdava njegov potez odbijanja ulaska u igru, pa Spaletti je isa tako daleko da je za njega ima poseban trening, trenira je nasamo sa njim, iako nije mora, ako mu to nije bio dovoljan jasan znak da je pozeljan onda ne znam. Uostalom druge su lige, Kondo je i u Sevilli bio dobar.
Io non rubo il campionato ed in Serie B non sono mai stato!

Urlando contro il cielo

Tu regina di milano
Io son pazzo di te

Go into a room too fast kid, the room eats you.

Postovi: 25707
Pridružen/a: 04 maj 2012, 15:23
Lokacija: Zagreb

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la SiamoNoi » 13 jun 2018, 11:17

Kondogbia je upropašten puno prije Spallettija (počelo je kad je Mancini forsirao odrone ispred njega) i očito ni posebni treninzi nisu mogli to ispravit jer se htio što je prije moguce maknut odavde.
Not only Roma is eyeing Bruno Fernandes but Inter is now too. In the last few days, the player's agent has in fact met the Nerazzurri, who, at the moment, would prefer follow other players keeping Fernandes on stand-by. The player's a free agent after he left Sporting CP following some disagreements with the club.
Toliko o utjecaju "preporuka".
Speaking to FC Inter News, Genoa director, Giorgio Perinetti, confirms the ongoing negotiation with Inter for three players: Emmers, Radu and Salcedo.

Director, can you confirm this negotiation?

“Yes, I can confirm.”

What is the timeline that we can expect to know more?

“We are talking with Inter and we will have another meeting this week. We will see what happens.”

Will Salcedo be an Inter player?

“He is part of the conversation that we have with Inter. But it is premature to talk about details.”
Nicolas Gonzalez could be the next reinforcement to compete the Inter attack. To confirm Inter’s interest is Argentinos Jurnios sporting director Enrique Borrelli in an exclusive interview with FC Inter News.

Is it true that Inter like Gonzalez?

“This is a topic that will be directly addressed by the club president. I can confirm that there are several clubs wanting the player, including one Italian club.”

Is it the Nerazzurri in Milan?

“Let’s just say it is very likely that it is them.”

How much is he?

“The president will evaluate his transfer cost.”

Is he traveling to Europe and meeting with Inter management?

“Yes. President Malaspina is expected to follow the World Cup in Russia and it is possible that he will stop by Italy first. I think he can arrive tomorrow or Thursday.”

What kind of player is Nicolas?

“Quick and physical. Excellent technique and also very good in the air. This is a forward that can play in the middle or on the wing. Great creator. He is young but mature. I consider him as a new figure in Argentinian football.”

Is he ready for Europe?

“Yes. He played here first in the second division, scoring the winning goal of the season. Then showed his quality in top flight football. He was the true bomber of his club, never felt pressure. Because of his mental strength, he can play anywhere.”

Even at Inter?

“No doubt. Both he and Lautaro Martinez are two great young players of Argentinian football.”

Who is stronger between the two?

“Both are very good. They have different characteristics on the field but off of it, they are similar: very polite, always want to play. If Nico were to sign for Inter, I have no doubt that I would do very well. Both would form a very nice pair. Nico would be a very nice short, medium and long term player for Inter. I am sure that after a short time of adapting to new life, he would triumph in Italian football.”
A meeting is scheduled tomorrow at the Serie A offices in Milan and different transfer scenarii could be planned between Inter and Sassuolo. Both clubs are in fact thinking about closing a deal together for the youngster born in 98 forward from Argentinos Juniors, Nico Gonzalez; they're also talking about the chances to see Matteo Politano and Alfred Duncan wear the Nerazzurri's jersey. Davide Merola, 18-year-old striker from Inter's youth team could be part of the deal and take the opposite way to join De Zerbi's team.
Radja Nainggolan is now also on the radar of Atletico Madrid. According to Sky, there is already contact between the two clubs even though that player has made it clear that he has the final okay to any of the possible transaction.

The Belgian, strongly linked to Inter in recent weeks, is estimated about 40 million euros by Roma, still too much for Inter and this is why there is no agreement between the two Italian clubs.
The agent of Dembele will be arriving in Italy. The intention is to evaluate the offers for his client by the three Serie A clubs that follow him: Inter, Napoli and Juventus have joined the race for the Belgian midfielder currently at Tottenham.

At this moment, the feeling is that the player's agent wants to get the maximum amount of money possible, also considering his contractual situation (expires in 2019).

Among the Italians, Inter and Juventus are the most interested compared to Napoli, but we must not forget the Chinese sirens and the temptation to give up to perhaps an attractive offer from China.
Ode Vecchi izgleda:
Besides the UEFA FFP situation, Inter need a new coach on the Primavera bench. Vecchi is destined to join Venezia and so the club must decide who to entrust the technical guidance of the future of Inter Primavera. By next week, Roberto Samaden, the head of Inter youth academy, will present Ausilio list of eligible candidates. It is likely that Inter are heading towards an internal solution: Zanchetta and Cauet are in pole position. But watch out for surprises. From Serie C, could come a coach that has greater experience. Whoever it is, the mandate will be two: win, of course. But above all, to provide **** for capital gains.

Kad bolje razmislim i sam bi da sam nogometaš prijateljima iz reprezentacije preporučio da u širokom luku izbjegavaju talijansku ligu jer je zaostala u previše stvari i jer sreces imbecile na svakom koraku od novinara na dalje.Koji bi normalan stranac izabrao doć ovdje ako mozes igrat u Engleskoj,Španjolskoj ili Njemačkoj pod jednakim uvjetima.Samo ime kluba i obecani projekt moze igrača privuć ovdje,ništa više.Niklas Süle pametan lik koji je još dok je igrao u Hoffenheimu kad su ga povezivali sa Italijom rekao da nema šanse da dođe u ovu ligu.

Postovi: 12339
Pridružen/a: 12 apr 2011, 21:19
Lokacija: Croatia

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la Tritolone » 13 jun 2018, 12:15

U redu je ako ti osobno dajes nekome preporuku na raccun svog iskustva ali da izlazis u javnost sa takvim informacijama je totalno debilno,i sve u trenutku kad je ocito da ga klub pokusava prodati, moga je slobodno izbjeci odgovor na pitanje novinara.

Evo pokusavam se sjetitI i stvarno ne mogu kad je netko ovako srao po klubu sa kojim ima ugovor koji je valjan. Srecom postoje vece licnosti u Portugalu koje sire neku bolju sliku o Interu (Figo) a i igrac koji je u isto vrijeme kad je i Mario bio tu zabiljezio uspjeh (Cancelo), a Bruno Fernandes je igra pa zna da mu netreba netko drugi pricat price.
Io non rubo il campionato ed in Serie B non sono mai stato!

Urlando contro il cielo

Tu regina di milano
Io son pazzo di te

Go into a room too fast kid, the room eats you.

Postovi: 25707
Pridružen/a: 04 maj 2012, 15:23
Lokacija: Zagreb

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la SiamoNoi » 13 jun 2018, 12:17

Tritolone je napisao/la:U redu je ako ti osobno dajes nekome preporuku na raccun svog iskustva ali da izlazis u javnost sa takvim informacijama je totalno debilno,i sve u trenutku kad je ocito da ga klub pokusava prodati, moga je slobodno izbjeci odgovor na pitanje novinara.

Evo pokusavam se sjetitI i stvarno ne mogu kad je netko ovako srao po klubu sa kojim ima ugovor koji je valjan. Srecom postoje vece licnosti u Portugalu koje sire neku bolju sliku o Interu (Figo) a i igrac koji je u isto vrijeme kad je i Mario bio tu zabiljezio uspjeh (Cancelo), a Bruno Fernandes je igra pa zna da mu netreba netko drugi pricat price.
Pa to da.Rekao sam jučer da nije u redu od njega ovaj potez.

Postovi: 14286
Pridružen/a: 01 jan 2011, 11:53
Lokacija: SK

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la Puma » 13 jun 2018, 12:24

Kakav debil je ovaj Mario, sad mi je cak i drago sto su ga nogirali.
Call the coroner!
There's gonna be a lot of slow singin' and flower-bringin'
If my burglar alarm starts ringin'

Postovi: 12339
Pridružen/a: 12 apr 2011, 21:19
Lokacija: Croatia

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la Tritolone » 13 jun 2018, 21:28

A few minutes ago, a huge blow came for all Inter and its supporters. UEFA just announced in an official statement that Inter have not completely and fully met requirements imposed by FFP and therefore it must stay in the settlement agreement until the end of 2018-19 season.

At the moment, many Inter fans are wondering about this decision and why it is still happening to Inter given that the club is well on its way to make 40 million in capital gains by June 30th.

Calcio e Finanza explains the situation that “UEFA analyzed Inter’s balance sheet until June 30, 2017 and according to European Football Association, Inter are doing well in respecting the break-even objective, thus closing the budget at 0 at the end of June. The club’s account was therefore approved, including sponsorship by Suning.

“What was not approved is related to the sporting area, in particular the amount of depreciation of its the players. In fact, Inter had the obligation to reduce depreciation of assets, according to UEFA agreement. The numerous signings last seasons such as those of Gabriel Barbosa and Joao Mario did not allow Inter to meet obligations because not only depreciation has not gone down but they have increased. Therefore, for this reason, Inter will have limitations such as restrictions of A list with 22 players for UEFA competitions and obligation to be even on outgoing and incoming transfers.”

****: Calcio e Finanza
Ponovo isti qurac kao one sezone kad nismo mogli registrirat Kondogbiu za EL. :tokralju:

Pariz u isto vrijeme izbjega sankcije :urnebes: koja **** komedija, navodno u CL smimo registirat samo one igrace koji smo imali kad smo igrali zadnji put EL dok ako zelimo dodati recimo Skriniara u roster moramo to opravdat sa jednakim nekim izlaznim transferom :urnebes:
Io non rubo il campionato ed in Serie B non sono mai stato!

Urlando contro il cielo

Tu regina di milano
Io son pazzo di te

Go into a room too fast kid, the room eats you.

Postovi: 6335
Pridružen/a: 28 jan 2013, 23:41
Lokacija: Tuzla

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la Mago » 13 jun 2018, 22:47

Ognuno ha la propria storia, noi abbiamo la nostra e ne siamo orgogliosi.

Postovi: 25707
Pridružen/a: 04 maj 2012, 15:23
Lokacija: Zagreb

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la SiamoNoi » 13 jun 2018, 22:59

Još jedna godina ovog sranja kao što se već i ranije znalo.

Postovi: 25707
Pridružen/a: 04 maj 2012, 15:23
Lokacija: Zagreb

Re: FC Internazionale Milano

Post Postao/la SiamoNoi » 13 jun 2018, 23:12

Here is the official statement from Inter regarding the UEFA decision released today.

“FC Internazionale Milano are noted of what was communicated by UEFA today. The break-even objective for 2016-17 season was reached, the settlement agreement remains until June 2019. Restrictions are for 22-player UEFA list and also the need to maintain balance between values of players acquired and sold.”
Računam da su na sve ovo u klubu već unaprijed računali.

Buni me malo ovo što se piše da se određeni igrači neće moć registrirat i čini mi se kao fejk njuz jer zvuči previše nerealno,ali ovo sve ostalo je očekivano.Dogovor i dalje ostaje za jednu sezonu,nista se nije dodatno produžavalo.

Nego,jeste li spremni da Cancelo od igrača koji nije bio najbolji bek prošle sezone u Serie A postane minimalno top 3 desni bek Europe? :urnebes:


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